I am a clairvoyant, shamanic healer and reiki master. I travel through space and out of linear time to access healing and parts of yourself that are ready to come back so that you can become more present and powerful in the life you are living and intending to manifest!
FAQ’s on Working with Me
What are Shamanic Healings?
This ancient method of accessing guidance, wisdom and healing is a very powerful and potent session that in my experience can be very fast acting. Let's be honest life is hard and heavy and stuff that happens to us affects us. When we go into a session I move out of linear time and help locate parts of yourself that might have gone "off line". I never see anything you are not ready to bring through and our sessions are always confidential. I work under your permission, from the light and of the light and only for your highest potential and good. Together we bring through the value, opportunity and highest possible potential for integration of the new material and part of yourself that you are ready to bring back.
Do I have to be present for the session?
Not at all. In fact, you don't even need to be on the phone for me to do a session. I can do long distance or remote healings for you if my office hours do not work for you.
How do I set an intention?
Anything that is weighing on you emotionally, physically and spiritually is a good intention. There is no topic off limit.
What is does a shamanic healing typically feel like?
The session most often times leave you feeling relaxed and at peace. Depending on the topic one can feel tears of release and completion around a subject. Other times one can fall into a deep sleep and not hear most of what was said. This just means the healing is on a deep level. I always record the session for you to listen back whenever and however many times you need!
What is a soul part and why do I need to bring it back?
A soul part is a part of yourself that has checked out or gone off line. Imagine something in your life was too difficult for all of yourself to experience. In that moment a part of you freezes or refuses to take part in the conscious experience because it's just too much to fully absorb. So, in a session we search for those parts of yourself that want to come back and allow yourself to be whole.
For example, A little girl grows up in a violent household. She's never hit but witnesses her mother receiving the abuse. As a result, a part of her soul leaves her body. This little girl grows up and becomes a woman. She has chronic sore throats and the inability to speak up in her romantic relationships. She has a pattern of dating over domineering men and finally decides she wants to remove this heart ache from her life. She decides she wants to get a healing and when she does this soul part is ready to come through. It's ready to come back to help her speak her truth, stand up for what she believes and helps her to create healthy boundaries in her life.
How does the healing impact the rest of my life?
These healings are fast acting, they cut to the chase and get straight to the root of the problem. But they are dependent on the intention.
In the example above, the woman may experience a surge of courage to break up with her unhealthy relationship a few months after the healing. She may also find herself drawing different type of friends and romantic opportunities that are more supportive, balanced and loving to her life.
What are spiritual contracts and cord cutting?
Have you ever felt drained by a certain person? They are cording into your energy and sucking you dry! Don't worry, we all allow this to happen to us on a conscious and unconscious level. If fact, we cord ourselves into others also, eek. So, we just go in and cut the cords. We will increase your awareness to when it's happening and when you are doing it. As a result, you will feel more energized and aware of when it's happening so you can stop it faster in the future.
Spiritual contracts are agreements we make previous to coming into physical form with people to help us evolve and learn in our life time. It's those relationships that are no longer working yet you feel compelled or obligated to stay in them for some reason. You are trying to become better and change and the other person is not. This is a contract that is no longer working and it's ok. So, we just update your contract and sometimes cut it so you can feel free to express the rest of your desires in your life time that were otherwise inhibiting your growth. This does not mean you don't love the person or will never speak to them again. It just means you ended the learning experience through the agreed relationship. It actually means you can support them better and nourish yourself more!